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Packing : 60 capsule
Dosage: 1-1 cap twice a day, before 1 hr of
meal with water or as directed by an expert

Boerhaavia diffusa Linn. (Punarva Extract)(whole plant) Phyllanthus niruri (Bhumi amla extract){whole plant), Picrorhiza kurrooa royle ex be nth (kutki)(rhizome), Gardenia gummifera linn. (dikamali)(resin), Valeriana wallichi de Tagar extract) {rhizome)Aquilaria agallocha roxb. {Agar extract)(heart wood) emblic otficinalis gaerthn. (Am la Extact)(fruit) Terminalia bellirica roxb. {Baheda extract)(fruit)

Category: Product ID: 38871


This capsule is developed to decrease the risk of liver infection and diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver, hepatic dysfunction, and drug-induced hepatotoxicity. This capsule provides various benefits like improving the digestion process, elevated liver enzymes, and relief from fatty liver and hepatitis. Moreover, this cap­sule also protects the liver from hepatic damage caused by alcohol.


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